little box - translation to ελληνικό
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little box - translation to ελληνικό

Box-Muller transformation; Box-Muller Method; Box-Muller method; Box-Muller; Box Muller; Box muller; Box müller; Box Müller; Box Muller transform; Box Mueller; Box mueller; Box-Muller transform; Box Muller method; Box–Muller method; Box–Muller transformation
  • Visualisation of the Box–Muller transform — the coloured points in the unit square (u1, u2), drawn as circles, are mapped to a 2D Gaussian (z0, z1), drawn as crosses. The plots at the margins are the probability distribution functions of z0 and z1. z0 and z1 are unbounded; they appear to be in [-2.5,2.5] due to the choice of the illustrated points. In [ the SVG file], hover over a point to highlight it and its corresponding point.

little box      
little red riding hood         
  • pp=xxxviii}}</ref>
  • A depiction by [[Gustave Doré]], 1883.
  • ''Red Riding Hood'' by [[George Frederic Watts]]
  • Wilhelm (left) and Jacob Grimm, from an 1855 painting by [[Elisabeth Jerichau-Baumann]]
  • chaperon]] being worn
  • "Little Red Riding Hood", illustrated in a 1927 story anthology
  • Little Red Riding Hood in an illustration by Otto Kubel (1930).
  • Works Progress Administration poster by Kenneth Whitley, 1939
  •  An engraving from the ''Cyclopedia of Wit and Humor''.
  • "The better to see you with": woodcut by [[Walter Crane]]
Little Red-Cap; Little Red-cap; Little Red Ridinghood; Little Red Cap; History of the Little Red Riding Hood tale; Roodkapje; Little red riding hood; The Little Red Riding Hood; LRRH; Little red riding hood!; Red Riding Hood; Huntsman (Little Red Riding Hood); Saglana Salchak; Little Red Riding-Hood
p.o. box         
  • PO boxes inside the [[NamPost]] main building in [[Windhoek]].
  • General Post Office]], Hong Kong.
  • Haslen]], [[Switzerland]]
  • Post office boxes next to the [[S-market]] [[supermarket]] in [[Klaukkala]], [[Finland]]
P.O. Box; Post Office Box; P.O. box; PO box; P.O. boxes; PO boxes; PO Box; Po box; Post Office box; Postal box; P. O. Box; Postal Box; Postal Mail Box; Postal mailbox; Delivery locker; Post-office box; Postoffice box
ταχυδρομική θυρίδα


poor box
¦ noun historical a collection box, especially one in a church, for gifts of money to aid the poor.


Box–Muller transform

The Box–Muller transform, by George Edward Pelham Box and Mervin Edgar Muller, is a random number sampling method for generating pairs of independent, standard, normally distributed (zero expectation, unit variance) random numbers, given a source of uniformly distributed random numbers. The method was in fact first mentioned explicitly by Raymond E. A. C. Paley and Norbert Wiener in 1934.

The Box–Muller transform is commonly expressed in two forms. The basic form as given by Box and Muller takes two samples from the uniform distribution on the interval [0, 1] and maps them to two standard, normally distributed samples. The polar form takes two samples from a different interval, [−1, +1], and maps them to two normally distributed samples without the use of sine or cosine functions.

The Box–Muller transform was developed as a more computationally efficient alternative to the inverse transform sampling method. The ziggurat algorithm gives a more efficient method for scalar processors (e.g. old CPUs), while the Box–Muller transform is superior for processors with vector units (e.g. GPUs or modern CPUs).

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για little box
1. It introduced what it called the "mini–feed", a little box that tracked users‘ every online action on their profile.
2. "There is never a day that I don‘t pass his little box of ashes that is sitting up in my bedroom, never a day I don‘t touch that little box and think of little Billy," he said in a November 2002 speech.
3. In some cases, the inspectors found owners were – quite legally – ‘locking up a cat, for instance, for 24 hours in a filthy little box‘, an RSPCA official said.
4. Only if we put Africa in one neat little box of concern and forget the hundreds of Africans the terrorists – these terrorists – murdered.
5. Her family keeps kosher and displays a mezuzah – a little box holding verses from the Torah – on the door of their suburban Las Vegas home.